Brain Integration can help with ADD/ADHD dyslexia memory spelling reading learning difficulties balance coordination injury rehab focus foggy brain finishing projects emotional regulation

Everything Advanced happening in October

It’s clear that, as a society, we’re collectively facing an increasing burden of health issues with no end in sight.

In response to this growing need, 

I’ve developed a method that harnesses the full potential of the PreBIT material. 

By supercharging this technique, I’ve achieved remarkable results that directly enhance my clients’ quality of life. It’s as if I’ve become a superhero at work—and I believe you can, too!

Live AND on Zoom!

We are rolling out the first level OCTOBER 2024 
following the Crossinology Advanced Class on location in Denver, CO

Advanced Foundations I – October 24th-25th, 2024 – $385



Right now we're offering a Success Bundle to supercharge your practice!

Bundle Advanced Foundations I with the Crossinology® Advanced classes for a 10% discount!

*students who have taken these classes may audit for a $200 fee 



Crossinology Advanced Brain Physiology I & II 

Oct 14th-16th

(3 days) $1,095

Prerequisite: BIT 1

Crossinology Advanced Brain Integration Technique

Oct 17th-18th

(2 days) $ 760

Prerequisite: BIT 1

Crossinology Muscle ReActivation 

Oct 21st-23rd

(3 days) $1,095

Prerequisite: PreBIT

Nancy’s Advanced Foundations I

Oct 24th-25th 

(2 days) $385

Prerequisite: PreBIT

Total investment for 4 classes is normally $3,335 

But, right now you can bundle this with the Crossinology Advanced classes for a 10% discount! 

Purchase ALL 4 classes with the videos for $3,000 ($335 off!)
(use code: Advanced2024 at checkout)

Check out with Affirm for a payment plan for 6 easy payments of $500

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