BIT1 and BIT2
BIT 1 is the academic and bookwork aspect of BIT. This introduction to neuroscience and learning theory has both depth and breadth. This is the class where you learn the exact protocol for specific learning difficulties. After this class, students should be practicing the work in case studies which is where the bulk of the learning is.
BIT 2, although it is a repeat of BIT 1, is an entirely different class. This is the class where the connections between wiring and function become more obvious and the student starts to understand the complexity of the protocol, while addressing quality of life in addition to academics and performance based intelligence. Not only do student garner a deep and systematic approach to rewiring the brain, they help their colleagues taking BIT 1 to understand and assimilate the material.
BIT 1 – 10 days – $3,850
BIT 1 is a two-week class with the weekend off. In this class you learn the full BIT protocol which is designed to alleviate ADD, ADHD and Dyslexia. You are then free to take BIT 2.
In this class, you learn to address specific areas of the brain for function including:
- The speech points (understanding what you hear and read, deciding what you want to say or write, and the physics of getting those things out through your speech or hands),
- The entire limbic system (the powerhouse of autonomic activity that makes learning possible through the hippocampus, parahippocampus and emotional drive for learning and staying on task),
- All visual functions (including tracking, accommodation, convergence and access to visual and emotional memory),
- All auditory functions, eye-hand coordination and much more.
The BIT1 Protocol includes testing the new function using the tests from the Weschler Intelligence Scale (WISC). The full protocol technique takes roughly 12 hours to complete on most clients.
BIT 2 – 10 days – $1,925
BIT 2 is a two-week class with the weekend off. This is a repeat of BIT 1 with other units for more efficient practices, advanced learning concepts and client management.
You are required to submit 10 completed case studies for this class. Once you have taken BIT 2 and successfully submitted the case studies, you can be certified to be a BIT Practitioner.
To become a certified BIT practitioner you must take the BIT class twice. The two levels are named BIT 1 and BIT 2.
In order to proceed to BIT 1, you need to:
- submit case study hours of the PreBIT material. You must submit 60 hours of case studies to proceed to BIT 1. Please send case studies to me in groups of 2-10 hours at
- have the FULL BIT protocol done on yourself with a knowledgeable practitioner. This includes all of the re-wiring, marching and the test drive (puzzles, reading comprehension, writing, digit span, coding, etc.) Please contact me with questions or have your practitioner contact me.
- read Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber, ch 1-7, 10, 11.