Brain Integration can help with ADD/ADHD dyslexia memory spelling reading learning difficulties balance coordination injury rehab focus foggy brain finishing projects emotional regulation

Testimonials from satisfied clients:

Nancy Loedy is a skilled Brain Integration Crossinology practitioner. I have had three sessions with her, attended training and referred several people to her. Knowing the protocol, I am continually impressed with her effective and thorough corrections. She works quickly, completing the experience in less time than most practitioners. While this is not necessary it could be an advantage. Nancy is warm and caring. She can communicate with individuals of all ages. The office is friendly and comfortable.
Lore G.
East Greenwich, RI
I am so grateful for Nancy! On the recommendation of a friend I made an appointment for my teenage son for Brain Integration Therapy with Nancy Loedy. Initially it was for sleep issues but after reading her website I discovered that she may be able to address his anxiety, depression, brain fog, and study issues. From the moment I met Nancy I knew she was amazing. She is kind, caring and intuitive...I call her magical. After just a few sessions my son slept better, was able to focus more easily and started to get his twinkle back. His SAT scores went up over 150 points having done nothing else differently. He had also undergone knee surgery a couple of months before we started with Nancy. She worked with his knee and he was cleared to play sports a month and a half earlier than projected. The treatments were extremely gentle and left my son feeling very relaxed. We typically did 2 hour sessions but length of treatment is up to the patient. I can't explain the process well enough to do it justice but I can 100% vouch for the results. I am ever grateful and stay in touch with Nancy. She is the best!
A P.
Holliston, MA
"My life had been in the shitter for over five years due to a dysfunctional thyroid and family, divorce, menopause, and lack of compassion from family and friends.” I found out about Nancy Loedy and Dr. Ann Doggett's practice at Wholebody Solutions from my concierge doctor who suggested them to deal with my menopause. Ms. Loedy's type of care was life saving. Her compassion, understanding, and talent with muscle testing and Brain Integration caused a miracle. It was astounding; in two days, I felt immediate relief and was able to resume my life the way it was meant to be lived. I brag to all my friends because she has helped me so much…and I’m so thankful to God that he has brought Mrs. Loedy and Dr. Anne Doggett into my life. It is amazing and scary to know that western medicine would have had me on an anti-depressant when all I needed was a simple supplement to kill the insidious yeast that had invaded my system. Do not waste another moment; you a worth it."
D. W.
South Shore, Boston, MA
This is one of my favorite places to visit. Nancy is an amazing brain integration crossinology practitioner who taps into her client's uniqueness. I gained confidence in my abilities and I'm forever grateful for all she has done for me.
Liz V.
Boston, MA
Crossinology Brain Integration changed my perspective and refined my brain in ways I never thought possible. I knew I had a learning problem throughout high school and college, but never sought help until I heard of Nancy Loedy's work in brain integration. Life and work were hard before getting integrated: not finishing assignments on time, becoming anxious over social engagements and academic settings, performing poorly on tests regardless of understanding the material, and poor reading comprehension. My career lead me to becoming a chef, because I was a strong tactile learner. Now, I've become a stronger, more organized chef, and all of my auditory/visual processing issues have wiped away. My candida overgrowth is addressed and I've never felt healthier than the integrative attention I received from Whole Body Solution's doctors and practitioners. Nancy Loedy is intuitive, caring and now one of my best friends. She's a best friend to the world, and everyone deserves a healer in their life like her.
Jackie -24
For anyone who is looking to improve their physical, emotional or spiritual well-being, BI is a great way to "boost" and "rewire" your current internal workings. I consider Nancy and BI part of my regular protocol and see her on a weekly or bi-weekly basis depending on schedule. You are in great hands and the possibilities are limitless in terms of areas of focus given her knowledge and experience."
B. M.
"During and after the BIT treatment, I have noticed major improvements in my mental, physical and emotional states; I become more driven and motivated, simply day to day tasks are no longer overwhelming, getting out of bed in the morning and getting ready for work is no longer a chore. My right eye used to be nearsighted, it is now over 90% corrected, my balance in dancing improved. My energy level increased significantly, mentally more focus, I am able to stay focused studying for a longer duration, my reading comprehension and my ability to retain information quickly improved. I am also able to better articulate my thoughts. I am no longer feeling "inhibited" they way I used to, vibrancy is steadily taking hold."
A. C.
Boston, MA
How has brain integration helped my family…let me count the ways.

My younger daughter had always struggled with reading and we learned at BIT that she had slight dyslexia and ADD. After several BIT sessions and tutoring interventions (to help get her up to speed), she finished second grade reading not only on level, but one level ahead! Now she is very focused on her homework and it’s no longer a struggle.

My husband suffered from misophonia, a condition where he would get enraged at common daily sounds like people chewing or slurping food or scraping their teeth along a spoon. At BIT he learned his auditory system was emotionally connected to rage. After just a few sessions, sounds no longer bother him and his productivity at work has soared since he isn’t spending energy being angry or having to get away from irritating sounds.

And then there’s me…I had nothing to complain about but I was never truly happy. I was fortunate to be a healthy stay-at-home mom with great healthy kids, a loving and helpful husband, and wanted for nothing. But I always noticed and expressed the negative in everything, was emotionally cut off from people to protect myself and really struggled with an all-or-nothing attitude around food. I either restricted food with willpower or the floodgates would open once I started eating. BIT taught me that my satiety was connected to rage, which stemmed from my childhood.

After many BIT sessions, a lot of the baggage from my childhood has fallen away. While, every day is not perfect and I certainly overeat at times or get cranky, I definitely lead a more peaceful life and naturally see the beauty in things rather than focusing on the negative.
J. A.
Boston, MA
I have struggled with a weak ankle for years. I broke it once many years ago, and have sprained it a number of times in the last 5 years. Since I did one session of BIT with Nancy a year ago, I have had no trouble with it at all. The session was non-invasive and very relaxing. Nancy explained everything as she went, so I felt completely comfortable. I couldn't be happier with the results!
A. E.
Brookline, MA
I heard about Crossinology and Nancy from a friend of mine. I was very skeptical about it at first but my friend said it changed her life. I felt like it could not hurt my son, he could only gain from it, if it works.

My son was 5 when we first did Crossinology on him. He is autistic so obviously he was not able to tell me what he felt afterward. Nancy was happy with my son’s clean diet so we did not have to change anything and she could do the therapy straight away. She did her best to treat my son as of course he would not stay still.

My son was always extremely sound sensitive. He had to leave his class when the children were singing. Straight after his treatment with Nancy he stayed in his class the next day and joined in with singing. That was something I could see straight away. So, I believe in his head things are happening, but he is not able to express them. I strongly believe the Crossinology helped him among of the other things we are doing with him. And when he can stay still in year or two, I will ask Nancy to come and work with him again, just like she did with me. Only now – a year later - Nancy was able to come over and do most of the marching with my son. He understands and follows commands now - something he would not do at all only a year ago!

Taking care and helping my son for all those years was really hard for me. I was really stressed, and I thought I would need professional help. But first I thought of Nancy. So, I cannot say how Crossinology helped my autistic son so far. But I can say that Nancy saved my sanity, my life, my family life, and my relationship. I am still not sure how she does it. She fixed all my emotions. She fixed all the thoughts, which were in my head all the time, so much that I could not concentrate on one thing. She fixed my allergies (including red wine allergy). She fixed my self-confidence, my energy levels; she fixed my life. Ah, she even fixed my foot so now I can run again without any pain!

Apart from what she does, Nancy is a loving, caring person. It is a pleasure and fun to spend time with her. I totally believe that what she does works. I cannot wait now for my son to be ready to work with Nancy again. I would recommend to anybody who suffers with depression, stress and any other problems to try Nancy first before start taking any medicine. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

There are only a couple of people in everybody's life who we will remember forever. In a very good way Nancy is one of them and I am so lucky and honored that I met her.
G. L.
Costa Blanca, Spain

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