PreBIT Live!
What you will learn during the Pre-BIT Course:
The Brain Integration Technique combines kinesiology, acupressure and Applied Physiology to assess and correct learning disabilities in adults and children. During this 4-day workshop, you’ll explore:
The history, science and application of muscle testing.
How to use acupuncture meridians, points and alarm points with kinesiology.
The Frontal-Occipital Hold for correcting imbalances
How to correct environmental sensitivities and toxicities including allergies and Candida Albicans in your clients.
How to remove emotional stress in your clients.
You will learn to balance:
Emotional issues
Meridians/Organs (e.g. lungs, kidney, etc.)
And much more!
Start my Journey!
Step 1:
Click “Register Here” to create an account.
Step 2:
Complete the BIT Waiver
Step 3:
Purchase the PreBIT Live Course to secure your spot today!