Brain Integration can help with ADD/ADHD dyslexia memory spelling reading learning difficulties balance coordination injury rehab focus foggy brain finishing projects emotional regulation

Brain Physiology I & II – $1095

Prerequisite:  BIT 1

This is a three-day class that explores all the Applied Physiology: Brain Physiology formats. You’ll explore techniques for de-stressing brain glands, the limbic system and motor cortex.

Advanced Brain Integration Technique – $760

Prerequisite:  BIT 1
This is a two-day program that covers de-stressing working memory training, the reticular activating system, brain stem and cerebellum.

Muscle ReActivation  – $1095

Prerequisite:  PreBIT
This three-day class addresses how to reactivate muscles that are causing physical pain (e.g. back, neck, shoulder, hip, or knee pain). Treatment for these pain issues assumes that there is no structural problem (e.g. detached ligament or tendon, dislocated joint or rib).

Advanced Foundations I & II – $385 / $385

Prerequisite:  PreBIT

Developed by Nancy Loedy, Advanced Foundations is a brand new class which explores the true power  of Susan McCrossin’s PreBIT material.  It draws on Nancy’s 14 years of experience – exposed to almost every symptom and diagnosis, and seeing as many as 7 people per day.  

Advanced Foundations I is a two-day class aimed at diving deep into the application of PreBIT materials that can supercharge your results! Advanced Foundations II is packed with even more possibilities to help you address your client’s needs. 


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