Brain Integration can help with ADD/ADHD dyslexia memory spelling reading learning difficulties balance coordination injury rehab focus foggy brain finishing projects emotional regulation

Certified BIT Practitioner and Exclusive Training Provider
of the
Crossinology®  Brain Integration Technique (BIT)
endorsed by Susan McCrossin AP

Learn what BIT is and WHY it works!

PreBIT Video Course

The PreBIT Video Course is NOW AVAILABLE!

Brain Integration

The Crossinology Brain Integration Technique (BIT) is a cutting edge technique, based in kinesiology that improves the functioning of the brain. BIT combines kinesiology, physiology, and the acupressure meridian system to address symptoms and issues that make learning, and often life itself very hard. 

The technique uses a complete protocol addressing 20 different areas, identifying and relieving stress in the brain to improve the way you think, behave, feel, and the way your body moves.

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What is Brain Integration?

BIT is a very relaxing, non-invasive procedure.  The client typically lays on a massage table and the practitioner uses Muscle Monitoring, acupressure touch, and gently holds the head to make the correction. Clients report that BIT is very relaxing and often rejuvenating.

You can find out more about Crossinology on Susan McCrossin’s website:

Crossinology – Learning Enhancement Center

Nancy Loedy, B.M.

  Nancy’s first career was in music as a saxophonist, teacher, composer, band leader and conductor.  She earned a Bachelor of Music in Saxophone Performance from the University of Denver in 1999 and began touring the east coast.  After many long years on the road, Nancy needed some tender self-care to break down bad habits which had left her with migraines and back problems.  After using yoga to start the journey, Nancy began her career in health by earning a 200 hour yoga teaching certification in 2009 with Marianne Wells.


  Two consecutive car accidents left Nancy with a foggy brain, no confidence, and a compromised body.  It was then that BIT changed her life, as a friend reached out to help and completely changed the outcome of this dire situation.  After Nancy had gone through the BIT process, she was more than ready to take on lawyers, advanced schooling, and a new career  with Brain Integration as the main focal point.  

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