Crossinology® BIT Training
How do I become a BIT practitioner?

Training to become a BIT practitioner relies on the individual’s enthusiasm for working on Case Studies, as the bulk of the work is practicing the technique on willing participants. Most students finish the training in about 1 year, however each student is encouraged to take their own pace.
Crossinology Brain Integration is ideal for people looking to help their communities in a significant and practical way, without lots of schooling or excessive cost. EVEN YOU can become a Certified BIT Practitioner in as little as a year with moderate study and practice.
Anyone can use this technique to help their family, friends and loved ones!
Requirements to become a practitioner:
- Attend and pass PreBIT Training (4 days), then BIT1 and BIT2 Training (10 days Each)
- Complete Case Studies as required for each module
- Complete Reading Requirements for each module
- Demonstrate knowledge of the technique during each class and in case notes
The Pre-BIT (Brain Integration Technique) course is a 4-day prerequisite kinesiology training.
It equips participants with essential skills for the Crossinology Brain Integration Technique Training Program, covering topics such as muscle monitoring, acupuncture meridians, and emotional stress reduction. Successful completion of this workshop is a requirement for further training in the field. – Payment Plans Available
BIT 1 is the academic and bookwork aspect of BIT. This introduction to neuroscience and learning theory has both depth and breadth. This is the class where you learn the exact protocol for specific learning difficulties. After this class, students should be practicing the work in case studies which is where the bulk of the learning is. – Payment Plans Available
BIT 2, although it is a repeat of BIT 1, is an entirely different class. This is the class where the connections between wiring and function become more obvious and the student starts to understand the complexity of the protocol, while addressing quality of life in addition to academics and performance based intelligence. Not only do student garner a deep and systematic approach to rewiring the brain, they help their colleagues taking BIT 1 to understand and assimilate the material. – Payment Plans Available
Crossinology Advanced Offerings
- Brain Physiology – $1095
This is a three-day class that explores all the Applied Physiology: Brain Physiology formats. You’ll explore techniques for de-stressing brain glands, the limbic system and motor cortex. - Advanced BIT – $760
This is a two-day program that covers de-stressing working memory training, the reticular activating system, brain stem and cerebellum. - Muscle ReActivation – $1095
This three-day class addresses how to reactivate muscles that are causing physical pain (e.g. back, neck, shoulder, hip, or knee pain). Treatment for these pain issues assumes that there is no structural problem (e.g. detached ligament or tendon, dislocated joint or rib).
Payment plans are available at checkout!
Crossinology Brain Integration Technique is based on the work of Susan J McCrossin A.P.
Information related to Crossinology Brain Integration Technique on this website and techniques used in this practice are based on her work. More information about Crossinology Brain Integration Technique and the science behind it, can be found at