- 3rd Party Resources:
- Links to books and sequencing cards:
- GRADE 4:
https://www.amazon.com/Reading-Comprehension-Grade-Skill-Builders/dp/1936023326/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2PVONW3SM78BT&keywords=carson+dellosa+reading+comprehension&qid=1654180846&sprefix=carson+dellosa+reading+compreh%2Caps%2C456&sr=8-1 - ADULT:
501 Reading Comprehension Questions 4th (forth) edition: LearningExpress Editors: 8581000050773: Amazon.com: Books - Sequencing Cards
6-Scene Sequencing Cards: Schaffer, Frank: 0017257037543: Books: Amazon.com
- GRADE 4:
- Links to books and sequencing cards:
- Nancyology, YouTube:
- Facebook
- Brain Integration Student Practitioner Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/138633439575446/
- Crossinology Brain Integration:
(5) Brain Integration | Facebook
- Instagram:
- Extras:
- Donna Eden 5 min energy routine, energy medicine:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akIlrF-HSJM - GEMS College of Energy Medicine:
GEMS College of Energy Medicine – The future of muscle testing! (gemskinesiologycollege.com)
- Donna Eden 5 min energy routine, energy medicine:
- Nancy's forms: Please download the below zip file which includes:
- Client Waiver (.doc)
- Nancy's Test Drive (.jpg)
- Block Design (.pdf)
- Coding Audit (.pdf)
- Dipthongs (.pdf)
- Eye Chart (.pdf)
- Geschwind Model of Speech (.pdf)
- Marching Repatterning (.pdf)
- Math Sheet KEY (.pdf)
- Math (.pdf)
- NL Assessment Form (.pdf)
- Speech Points (.pdf)
- Spelling Technique (.pdf)
- Click the link below to download the .zip file
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